Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bill Simmons on Tennis

I like Bill Simmons most of the time, but his latest article on Tennis is absolutely .... fuckin' stupid. There. You got me to curse. FUCK. It also caused Kyle (who has a bunch of new stuff up now) to send me this email: "The. Worst. Thing. Ever.".

I was going to break down the stupidity of his article and explain how its pretty clear he knows literally nothing about the game except how to score, which, I suspect, was learned through video games. But, then I realized it was kind of pointless to work myself up into that kind of a lather and chalk it up to - and I hate to generalize - Americans not appreciating 'international' sports... like they can't appreciate soccer (not that I can, but I do appreciate the merits of FIFA '07, which is a pretty excellent time).

I felt better once it occurred to me that Americans don't like anything, as a country - again, a big generalization - that they aren't good at. Once the world caught up in tennis... they stopped watching, they're not watching basketball in as large numbers - I suspect Hockey numbers peaked some time around, say, 1980. If anyone can suggest anything that they're not good at that they like... (like, like - like more than a friend), I'd be interested to hear it.


Jesse said...

Well, I finally read the article, and I didn't hate it. Are you basically just saying that he doesn't like it 'cause he doesn't understand it? Because I don't understand it, but what he said basically rings true for me.

The R.O.B. said...

No, I'm not saying that he doesn't like it because he doesn't understand it... although that might be part of it.

I'm mostly saying he clearly hasn't been watching it, or understand what's going on, so how can go and rip the game and make suggestions like that...

I mean, I don't particularly care for soccer, but I'm not going write about how Euro2008 is stupid and how it could be better since I don't watch or understand the game....