(Now that's the look of a man that's excited to be a father! And, no the Chris Bosh jokes are not going to stop any time soon... regardless of whether he deserves it or not.)
- I got an email from Paul (Wolves, Hawks & Kites - R.I.P.) who's taken to creating music instead of writing about it. He's recording under the moniker, Dog is Blue and his album is called Makes Ghost Noises, and while I haven't actually taken the time to sit down and listen to it (yet) Paul is a good guy and definitely is worthy of a listen.
- Going to see the Black Hat Brigade on Saturday in the great nation of Brampton at some bar called Walker's Brew. Really looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll have something to report Sunday or Monday.
- First Roger Federer cries (or, more accurately has a melt-down at the Aussie Open) and then he knocks up his long time GF Mirka... I've gotta say, things could be going better for him... then again, he's no Chris Bosh...
- Speaking of the Raptors, Raptors Republic has a "Blueprint for Recovery", that I think it a more articulate/detailed version of what I've been saying/thinking over the last couple of months.
- Basketbawful (a hilarious basketball blog cronciling all the things wrong with the world of basketball) has brought to my attention the release of a Zach Randolph (circa NYK) action figure... what?!? Isiah Rider wasn't available?
Thanks for the mention! I hope you enjoy the album (let me know if you want a hard copy instead). I'm really excited.
I get the e-mail now. I didn't make the connection before. Stupid me.
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