Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Blood, Sweat and Tears (well... no blood or tears)... Sunparlour Players @ London Music Club

The Sunparlour Players are slowly becoming one of my favourite bands (at this point I might revisit my hottest bands of '07 to move them up to, maybe into the #7 spot?). They played a show for a relatively busy London Music Club last night that featured a high energy set composed mostly of songs from the recently released Hymns for the Happy. Last time I saw the SPP was at the Alex P. Keaton here in London, although there was only one 'player' front man Andrew Penner. This time, Penner was joined by (I assume) Dennis Van Dine and Michael Rosenthal which gave the show a much bigger, fuller, sound that really consumed the room. Although the room of maybe 100 show-goers started out with the usual bar chatter, it quickly died off as the band really gained the attention of everyone in attendance. The set also featured a couple of songs that have yet to be recorded, which were absolutely terrific also. Perhaps the highlight of the night was the encore, which started with a cover of AC/DC's 'Thunderstruck' and closed with 'You Are A Hunter' off Hymns.

At this point, I can't emphasize enough how spectacular the live show is, so I'll just say that any chance you have to catch these guys live, do so. Sitting/standing close to the stage might not be advised, as they may not be marked, but those are the splash seats (sweat not spit).

Also, I'm glad I missed the 4th quarter of the Raptors game, because according to the play-by-play Kris Humpries was playing with a minute left in the game. How does that happen!?! Is there any possible logical explanation for this? Someone, please.

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