Sunday, December 14, 2008

Well, that was kind of a disaster...

I've been trying to think of the last time I watched a full episode of SNL, and I'm pretty sure I was in high school... I mean, there have been some funny skits - dick in a box, Iran so far away, the Peyton Manning mentoring thing, etc. - but, for the most part, the show has been basically unwatchable. This year, I think the Tina Fey Sarah Palin impression has pretty clearly re-invigorated the show and made it (somewhat) relevant again. For that reason, and the fact that my dearest darling (KanYE) was on, my other dearest darling (Liz) and I settled in to watch.

The skits were funny (the cookies, the lamp store - although that would have been about 100 times more funny if you were high, and the Christmas letter written from the perspective of the dead family cat), Weekend Update was very funny (Gov. Paterson, Gov. Blagovwhatever), and KanYE was, in a word, terrible. Just awful.

Remember how I defended KanYE for not being able to sing and, generally, being a douche? Well, he's definitely not making it easy on me. The guy can't kind sing, everyone knows this, so I just wonder why on earth he would go on TV and try and sing? I just don't get it. I think this might be the musical equivalent of Charles Barkley/Dick Bavetta race. Everyone knows its going to be ugly - particularly for Barkley/West - and yet, they went ahead with it anyways...

let's all just hope that he doesn't tour with 808s otherwise a lot of people are going to get ripped off...

in case you didn't see the train wreck that was his performace... Heartless/Pinocchio Story and Love Lockdown.

I promise this is my last KanYE post of 2008... I swear.

Update: I'm pretty sure Shaq thought Kanye sucked too.

1 comment:

Hal Incandenza said...

wow...I actually kind of liked his performance...and made a mental note to let you know. Interesting.