Round one of "Exchanging emails with..." the Black Hat Brigade turned out really well, or at the very least, well enough to warrant another kick at the can. This time I traded some emails with Adam Bentley from the Rest, who have a new album (out tomorrow) Everyone All At Once. Adam is also involved with Auteur Recordings, the (super) duo Allegories, and some secret government sub-committees for the city of Hamilton.
Also, they've got some shows coming up in SW Ontario: Toronto (this Friday w/ Ketch Harbour Wolves), London, Hamilton, Peterborough so be on the look out for those.
And lastly, these are real emails (I didn't make this up) so, sorry for all the typos, errors (factual and otherwise) in the following post. Look out for my email exchange with Ketch Harbour Wolves at some point late this week/early next week...
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I think this is going to be a regular warning to bands, but I'm really sorry if this is totally weird, so feel free to ignore any questions/comments that you feel you need to.
So, you guys got in touch with me I think last summer and sent me some tracks ("Apples & Allergies" and "Walk on Water") in an effort to promote the album, Everything All At Once, that is coming out/in stores now? soon? and then at Christmas (or thereabouts) you sent over the whole album. What's that process been like from last summer - having those songs - to finally get the album out to the general public? Frankly, and I don't know the first thing about releasing a record, that seems like a really long time.
Also, I'd be curious to hear what's been going with you guys feel like the general response has been with the record so far? Allan (of AWmusic) has been raving (to me at least) about how good your record is, and I've really been coming around on it... seems like you have a tonne of positive comments up on your myspace page...
I think this is going to be a regular warning to bands, but I'm really sorry if this is totally weird, so feel free to ignore any questions/comments that you feel you need to.
So, you guys got in touch with me I think last summer and sent me some tracks ("Apples & Allergies" and "Walk on Water") in an effort to promote the album, Everything All At Once, that is coming out/in stores now? soon? and then at Christmas (or thereabouts) you sent over the whole album. What's that process been like from last summer - having those songs - to finally get the album out to the general public? Frankly, and I don't know the first thing about releasing a record, that seems like a really long time.
Also, I'd be curious to hear what's been going with you guys feel like the general response has been with the record so far? Allan (of AWmusic) has been raving (to me at least) about how good your record is, and I've really been coming around on it... seems like you have a tonne of positive comments up on your myspace page...
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Hey Rob!
Story about the delay, Easter weekend is a fairly crazy one for me. And this year especially, haven't been home more than a few hours since Thursday, well at least awake.
When we first sent you the two songs last summer they were the only ones mixed and mastered, which we put out on a single to be a little preview for Everyone All At Once in the end of July. We knew that the remainder of the album would take a few months to mix because of working constraints, basically only getting into the studio once a week, if that, and we were really dying to show off our new music, so we decided to push forward with a couple of songs that were the closest to completion. The album was completely mixed at the end of September, and then we waited another month to get the record into the mastering studio because they were backed up. We were already looking towards a early 09 release date, so we sat patiently. Then we went through a couple of different scenarios, and eventually decided to release the record with Auteur Recordings and Fontana North in Canada on April 21st. We're still working on other territories, but we're getting closer to having some news there. The story isn't exciting, but a reality that the ever changing industry sometime takes awhile to archive objectives. We felt that if we were going to work on the record for so long we needed to find a situations that will give the music the best chance to be heard. All of us are extremely proud of what we've recorded, wasn't something put together haphazardly, and we're trying to let the album have a long life. But yes, I'd say it's been a long process to get the record out, but actually a shorter one than the last time, and hopefully next time around it'll be even shorter! It's a brave new world we're swimming in, and sometimes it takes a little time to figure out what exactly you're seeing in the murky water.
The response (so far) has been overwhelming, I personally didn't expect so many people to latch onto a record that didn't have a release date! All of the articles have been so positive, and glowing that I find myself taken aback. Not that I didn't think we were making worthwhile and passionate music, but after 6 years of being in this band, I guess we had begun to get use to our anonymity. I'm most proud that people are digging deep into the whole record, as I believe Everyone All At Once was made with the intention of having someone listen to it from front to back. I personally love the album experience, and was hoping people would fall into our world. It's truly exciting that many are finding this a "no filler" record! We set out to make an album where every song would have it's own merits, stand on its own, but also make every other song stronger by association, and when different writers, bloggers, listener, etc. convey those sentiment it really means the most to me. I like the idea of making an album in a singles world.
Again Rob, sorry! I should be much quicker next time around, as there's no more Good Friday hikes and the like to participate in!
Story about the delay, Easter weekend is a fairly crazy one for me. And this year especially, haven't been home more than a few hours since Thursday, well at least awake.
When we first sent you the two songs last summer they were the only ones mixed and mastered, which we put out on a single to be a little preview for Everyone All At Once in the end of July. We knew that the remainder of the album would take a few months to mix because of working constraints, basically only getting into the studio once a week, if that, and we were really dying to show off our new music, so we decided to push forward with a couple of songs that were the closest to completion. The album was completely mixed at the end of September, and then we waited another month to get the record into the mastering studio because they were backed up. We were already looking towards a early 09 release date, so we sat patiently. Then we went through a couple of different scenarios, and eventually decided to release the record with Auteur Recordings and Fontana North in Canada on April 21st. We're still working on other territories, but we're getting closer to having some news there. The story isn't exciting, but a reality that the ever changing industry sometime takes awhile to archive objectives. We felt that if we were going to work on the record for so long we needed to find a situations that will give the music the best chance to be heard. All of us are extremely proud of what we've recorded, wasn't something put together haphazardly, and we're trying to let the album have a long life. But yes, I'd say it's been a long process to get the record out, but actually a shorter one than the last time, and hopefully next time around it'll be even shorter! It's a brave new world we're swimming in, and sometimes it takes a little time to figure out what exactly you're seeing in the murky water.
The response (so far) has been overwhelming, I personally didn't expect so many people to latch onto a record that didn't have a release date! All of the articles have been so positive, and glowing that I find myself taken aback. Not that I didn't think we were making worthwhile and passionate music, but after 6 years of being in this band, I guess we had begun to get use to our anonymity. I'm most proud that people are digging deep into the whole record, as I believe Everyone All At Once was made with the intention of having someone listen to it from front to back. I personally love the album experience, and was hoping people would fall into our world. It's truly exciting that many are finding this a "no filler" record! We set out to make an album where every song would have it's own merits, stand on its own, but also make every other song stronger by association, and when different writers, bloggers, listener, etc. convey those sentiment it really means the most to me. I like the idea of making an album in a singles world.
Again Rob, sorry! I should be much quicker next time around, as there's no more Good Friday hikes and the like to participate in!
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No worries. I basically spent all day Sunday eating, and then Monday recovering from eating, so I completely understand that people have stuff going on. Thankfully (for you, I think) your family/friends time was spent getting some exercise...
That strikes me as a really long period (I'm sorry if I'm being repetitive) to get an album out. Was there any thought about putting it out on your own? Forgive my ignorance, but what have the label(s)(?), distributors(?), people you've signed your lives away to done to help with the record? ... I've gotta tell ya, I've seen the movie Ray, and I'm under the impression that record labels are evil, so, if you needs some help getting out of your contract, I know a guy who knows a guy...
You guys have been together 6 years?!? That's incredible, what's that been like? I'm also curious about what you guys think about the praise you've been getting from the album. What's the best response you've got? And, I guess everyone likes positive re-enforcement, but is it a big deal if someone like me says how much I really love the album - I mean, its not exactly like I'm running Rolling Stone (yet) here...
I'm sorry if this is completely incoherent, but I've written this before having a coffee this morning... do you best with it, and if its really bad, then we can scrap this one and I'll re-send you something...
No worries. I basically spent all day Sunday eating, and then Monday recovering from eating, so I completely understand that people have stuff going on. Thankfully (for you, I think) your family/friends time was spent getting some exercise...
That strikes me as a really long period (I'm sorry if I'm being repetitive) to get an album out. Was there any thought about putting it out on your own? Forgive my ignorance, but what have the label(s)(?), distributors(?), people you've signed your lives away to done to help with the record? ... I've gotta tell ya, I've seen the movie Ray, and I'm under the impression that record labels are evil, so, if you needs some help getting out of your contract, I know a guy who knows a guy...
You guys have been together 6 years?!? That's incredible, what's that been like? I'm also curious about what you guys think about the praise you've been getting from the album. What's the best response you've got? And, I guess everyone likes positive re-enforcement, but is it a big deal if someone like me says how much I really love the album - I mean, its not exactly like I'm running Rolling Stone (yet) here...
I'm sorry if this is completely incoherent, but I've written this before having a coffee this morning... do you best with it, and if its really bad, then we can scrap this one and I'll re-send you something...
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Hey Rob,
Yes, we did have a pretty busy holiday weekend. I even played a teenager in a game of one and one basketball, so while my belly isn't that sore, my whole body hates me still.
It is a really long period of time, you don't need to tell me, (laughs). Auteur Recordings is actually owned by myself and Jordan Mitchell, so we are putting out the record ourselves, in a way. It just took a few months (since around December) to commit to that decision. Record labels could be evil, or may be not. I know when I'm in record exec mode I start throwing gold chains around, and eat off of last unicorn's carcass. So, I guess to get out of our contract I'd have to be destroyed, which is virtually impossible.
The six years has gone by quickly, but it seems forever, if that makes any sense. Mainly, I can't imagine myself without this band, everything gels together these days.
I liked the review that your friend Allan gave us at AW. I thought it was a very apparent that he had delved deep into the record. Again, that's a big deal for me; knowing that someone has become completely immersed in the album.
In the end with press or no press we feel like we've made a great record, and we can't let anything positive or negative change our own opinion of what we do. I'm not particularly interested in making self-conscious music. I don't think a record in response to others reactions would make for an interesting record, at least from our standpoint. Now, seeing people writing about the record does re-enforce that we're not being delusional, and it does help facilitate the record to other people. At our last show we had people coming to see us directly from hearing about us on a blog. That was cool! I'm interested in people hearing the songs however, wherever, and whenever(but hopefully soon) they can, and with internet today there are so many avenues to explore.
Hope you got your coffee :)
Yes, we did have a pretty busy holiday weekend. I even played a teenager in a game of one and one basketball, so while my belly isn't that sore, my whole body hates me still.
It is a really long period of time, you don't need to tell me, (laughs). Auteur Recordings is actually owned by myself and Jordan Mitchell, so we are putting out the record ourselves, in a way. It just took a few months (since around December) to commit to that decision. Record labels could be evil, or may be not. I know when I'm in record exec mode I start throwing gold chains around, and eat off of last unicorn's carcass. So, I guess to get out of our contract I'd have to be destroyed, which is virtually impossible.
The six years has gone by quickly, but it seems forever, if that makes any sense. Mainly, I can't imagine myself without this band, everything gels together these days.
I liked the review that your friend Allan gave us at AW. I thought it was a very apparent that he had delved deep into the record. Again, that's a big deal for me; knowing that someone has become completely immersed in the album.
In the end with press or no press we feel like we've made a great record, and we can't let anything positive or negative change our own opinion of what we do. I'm not particularly interested in making self-conscious music. I don't think a record in response to others reactions would make for an interesting record, at least from our standpoint. Now, seeing people writing about the record does re-enforce that we're not being delusional, and it does help facilitate the record to other people. At our last show we had people coming to see us directly from hearing about us on a blog. That was cool! I'm interested in people hearing the songs however, wherever, and whenever(but hopefully soon) they can, and with internet today there are so many avenues to explore.
Hope you got your coffee :)
* * *
Nice - re: the basketball. Beating up on kids in sports is always an ego booster (that's why I'm really excited about my future career in teaching!). I assume you just backed him (I assume, him) up under the basket and banked everything in from 3 ft... that said, nothing makes you feel better than a blocked shot after you've let them get by you...
Music, right. That's really cool that you guys own - and I assume started? - your own label. What was the impetus for, or how did that come about? Maybe I'm way off on this, but I feel like having a foot in music as a business is really the only way for it to be a viable career choice. With how splintered the music industry is, how many bands there are, and how few people actually buy records that you need something to supplement your band income.
Follow up question: what exactly do you do as a label? And (don't take this the wrong way) how is this different than releasing the album yourself (i.e. I could release on album that I produced in my parents basement and say I'm releasing it on my own label - The R.O.B. Recordings)? Again, hope you don't take that question the wrong way, I'm actually very curious... PS - I think you should sign Ketch Harbour Wolves, Black Hat Brigade and the Rural Alberta Advantage...
Last, I'd be kind of curious to have you pitch me/talk about Everything All At Once. What inspires the music? How do you think the music has, or will influence people? What should people listen for with the album? I'll just say I've started to pick up on a little bit of a Sigur Ros vibe - with (your?) voice and the kind of rising and falling action with the music...
Again, don't mean to be a dick with any of these questions - I'm actually curious - so, like I said at the beginning feel free to ignore any of them...
Chat soon,
Nice - re: the basketball. Beating up on kids in sports is always an ego booster (that's why I'm really excited about my future career in teaching!). I assume you just backed him (I assume, him) up under the basket and banked everything in from 3 ft... that said, nothing makes you feel better than a blocked shot after you've let them get by you...
Music, right. That's really cool that you guys own - and I assume started? - your own label. What was the impetus for, or how did that come about? Maybe I'm way off on this, but I feel like having a foot in music as a business is really the only way for it to be a viable career choice. With how splintered the music industry is, how many bands there are, and how few people actually buy records that you need something to supplement your band income.
Follow up question: what exactly do you do as a label? And (don't take this the wrong way) how is this different than releasing the album yourself (i.e. I could release on album that I produced in my parents basement and say I'm releasing it on my own label - The R.O.B. Recordings)? Again, hope you don't take that question the wrong way, I'm actually very curious... PS - I think you should sign Ketch Harbour Wolves, Black Hat Brigade and the Rural Alberta Advantage...
Last, I'd be kind of curious to have you pitch me/talk about Everything All At Once. What inspires the music? How do you think the music has, or will influence people? What should people listen for with the album? I'll just say I've started to pick up on a little bit of a Sigur Ros vibe - with (your?) voice and the kind of rising and falling action with the music...
Again, don't mean to be a dick with any of these questions - I'm actually curious - so, like I said at the beginning feel free to ignore any of them...
Chat soon,
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haha, well this one 'kid' is actually like 6 feet 2, and I'm not a tall guy, so he was trying to back me down most of the time. I came away with the victory, but I have a feeling that next time I play him I won't be so lucky.
Yes, we started the label originally as a way to promote Jordan and my other project Allegories, with the hope to release more music from the Hamilton area in the future. We're still hoping to release music that doesn't have any affiliation with our projects, but we need to focus on The Rest for a little while longer first. These days I think that you have to have someone in your band that's going to look after the business side of things or you can seriously put yourself at a disadvantage. People know the industry is changing, they just don't know exactly how to make that work most of the time, so you have to open your own doors. The label gives us a way to delve deeper into this world.
As a label we're the main source of promotion for the band, and we have different avenues that the record has been made available and that's been done through the label front. It's not that much different than releasing the record yourself really, except we hope to branch out with the label in the future, and we like having everything under one name. We're actually friends with the guys in Ketch (Anna has played with them in the past), so you never know...
Everyone All At Once is record infused with every bit of personality and emotion that all seven of us could cram into a whole record. I don't think our influences or what directly inspires us is a conscious decision. I was inspired by time, and I think that is a theme that runs quite prevalent throughout the record, but that is more of a starting point than anything else. I know saying "time" isn't much of description, but I think one thing people can get out of the record is assembling the whole album into their own narrative. I think it's too early to tell exactly what people are getting out of it, but I hope it moves them in some way. I hope they have a reaction to it, and not be something that's neutral. I'm not sure I can tell people to look for anything, I think that's up to the individual now. We made these songs, and have our own distinct ideas about what they mean, but you can't force that on anyone. They have to find their own connection with the music. Hopefully we can help get the songs to their ears, and then answer some distinct questions anyone has. What's usually the most exciting aspect of the band is getting a chance to mold ourselves into something that is distinctly us, and I believe that record has that feel. Not to say that we're not influenced by other artists because that would be a complete lie, but I do think those influences come organically, and not by mimicry. It would be quite boring being a glorified cover band.
Keep em coming!
haha, well this one 'kid' is actually like 6 feet 2, and I'm not a tall guy, so he was trying to back me down most of the time. I came away with the victory, but I have a feeling that next time I play him I won't be so lucky.
Yes, we started the label originally as a way to promote Jordan and my other project Allegories, with the hope to release more music from the Hamilton area in the future. We're still hoping to release music that doesn't have any affiliation with our projects, but we need to focus on The Rest for a little while longer first. These days I think that you have to have someone in your band that's going to look after the business side of things or you can seriously put yourself at a disadvantage. People know the industry is changing, they just don't know exactly how to make that work most of the time, so you have to open your own doors. The label gives us a way to delve deeper into this world.
As a label we're the main source of promotion for the band, and we have different avenues that the record has been made available and that's been done through the label front. It's not that much different than releasing the record yourself really, except we hope to branch out with the label in the future, and we like having everything under one name. We're actually friends with the guys in Ketch (Anna has played with them in the past), so you never know...
Everyone All At Once is record infused with every bit of personality and emotion that all seven of us could cram into a whole record. I don't think our influences or what directly inspires us is a conscious decision. I was inspired by time, and I think that is a theme that runs quite prevalent throughout the record, but that is more of a starting point than anything else. I know saying "time" isn't much of description, but I think one thing people can get out of the record is assembling the whole album into their own narrative. I think it's too early to tell exactly what people are getting out of it, but I hope it moves them in some way. I hope they have a reaction to it, and not be something that's neutral. I'm not sure I can tell people to look for anything, I think that's up to the individual now. We made these songs, and have our own distinct ideas about what they mean, but you can't force that on anyone. They have to find their own connection with the music. Hopefully we can help get the songs to their ears, and then answer some distinct questions anyone has. What's usually the most exciting aspect of the band is getting a chance to mold ourselves into something that is distinctly us, and I believe that record has that feel. Not to say that we're not influenced by other artists because that would be a complete lie, but I do think those influences come organically, and not by mimicry. It would be quite boring being a glorified cover band.
Keep em coming!
* * *
Wow... I definitely wouldn't have agreed that... you are a brave, brave, man.
re - the label: Yeah, I think with how the industry is changing (and people scrambling to try and figure out how to make money) it could be really tough if you always had to watch you back. If you're hoping to put out music from other Hamiltonians, I'm curious what the "scene" is like there? Venues? Bands? I think a lot of people have the perception that Hamilton is a blue-collar city, so is the community pretty small? Are people receptive to music like yours, which, I don't see as being 'blue-collar'... maybe I'm completely wrong...
London - where I lived until last year - was great at supporting huge acts, but the scene for indie-pop-rock-folk was pretty sad, particularly when you consider that there are 30,000 university students in the city. Although, ironically, there has been some awesome albums that've come out of the city in the last couple of years: Basia Bulat's Oh My Darling, Shad's The Old Prince, and Olenka and the Autumn Lovers ... whatever their album is called... I've always felt like the best music comes out of some type of tension or conflict, and so maybe London being a boring city is a good thing!
A couple of quick ones that again, feel free to answer/acknowledge or not. Your favourite song of yours? Your favourite new song since the beginning of the year? Best show you've ever played? Worst? Strangest thing that's ever happened to the band?
So, maybe we'll try one or two more emails and I'll try and post this on Monday of next week? If there's anything you want to get to, talk about, mention... feel free to throw stuff in there...
Wow... I definitely wouldn't have agreed that... you are a brave, brave, man.
re - the label: Yeah, I think with how the industry is changing (and people scrambling to try and figure out how to make money) it could be really tough if you always had to watch you back. If you're hoping to put out music from other Hamiltonians, I'm curious what the "scene" is like there? Venues? Bands? I think a lot of people have the perception that Hamilton is a blue-collar city, so is the community pretty small? Are people receptive to music like yours, which, I don't see as being 'blue-collar'... maybe I'm completely wrong...
London - where I lived until last year - was great at supporting huge acts, but the scene for indie-pop-rock-folk was pretty sad, particularly when you consider that there are 30,000 university students in the city. Although, ironically, there has been some awesome albums that've come out of the city in the last couple of years: Basia Bulat's Oh My Darling, Shad's The Old Prince, and Olenka and the Autumn Lovers ... whatever their album is called... I've always felt like the best music comes out of some type of tension or conflict, and so maybe London being a boring city is a good thing!
A couple of quick ones that again, feel free to answer/acknowledge or not. Your favourite song of yours? Your favourite new song since the beginning of the year? Best show you've ever played? Worst? Strangest thing that's ever happened to the band?
So, maybe we'll try one or two more emails and I'll try and post this on Monday of next week? If there's anything you want to get to, talk about, mention... feel free to throw stuff in there...
* * *
I don't find the hamilton music scene as too blue collar. Probably the biggest acts to come from the city are Caribou and the Junior Boys, and they don't have too much old Hamilton feel in them. I think there is a strong DIY mentality, for better or worse. I also think the Hamilton scene is in a bit of a crossroads, but a good crossroads. It's operated fairly similarly since we first started playing there over 5 years ago, but I see a change coming. There's a very fruitful art scene that takes place on James North and I think that music scene might try to become a little intertwinded in it. It'll be interesting to see. I'm on a commitee for a monthly music series called "New Harbours" and one of the big challenges ahead of us is to try and connect the art scene with the music scene. There are so many talented indivduals in Hamilton, but getting out from a smaller city to the larger ones can always pose problems. Either way, I'm excited for the hopeful growth.
Tough questions, and I don't know if I have many answers to them. My opinion is never very strong on what my favourite song of The Rest is. I tend to change every second. I think that's another question best left to people that are outside of the group to answer. I'm hoping our best show will be on April 24th at The Tranzac. Our worst...well we've had plenty of bad ones. When we first started we were one of the most inconsistent live bands, one show would be our best and the next we would completely bomb. That cycle lasted a good 2 and half years. Kept us on our toes though. I think I'll keep the email in the PG territory, so the strangest stories will have to be for cocktail parties and bonfire dinners.
One or two more sound great!
I don't find the hamilton music scene as too blue collar. Probably the biggest acts to come from the city are Caribou and the Junior Boys, and they don't have too much old Hamilton feel in them. I think there is a strong DIY mentality, for better or worse. I also think the Hamilton scene is in a bit of a crossroads, but a good crossroads. It's operated fairly similarly since we first started playing there over 5 years ago, but I see a change coming. There's a very fruitful art scene that takes place on James North and I think that music scene might try to become a little intertwinded in it. It'll be interesting to see. I'm on a commitee for a monthly music series called "New Harbours" and one of the big challenges ahead of us is to try and connect the art scene with the music scene. There are so many talented indivduals in Hamilton, but getting out from a smaller city to the larger ones can always pose problems. Either way, I'm excited for the hopeful growth.
Tough questions, and I don't know if I have many answers to them. My opinion is never very strong on what my favourite song of The Rest is. I tend to change every second. I think that's another question best left to people that are outside of the group to answer. I'm hoping our best show will be on April 24th at The Tranzac. Our worst...well we've had plenty of bad ones. When we first started we were one of the most inconsistent live bands, one show would be our best and the next we would completely bomb. That cycle lasted a good 2 and half years. Kept us on our toes though. I think I'll keep the email in the PG territory, so the strangest stories will have to be for cocktail parties and bonfire dinners.
One or two more sound great!
* * *
Funny, I actually went to Hamilton a few nights ago and I've never been to the DT area, but was really impressed with that one cobblestone road bar area, and thought Pepper Jack was a wicked cool space. Someone mentioned to me that its closing down, if so, that's pretty sad. Have you guys ever played there?
We've talked a lot about the process putting together the record, your record label, etc. how about what the future holds for the band? I noticed that in addition to the dates in SW Ontario you have a NY date that is TBA. Is there a tour in the works or anything that people should know about?
Dinner time...
Funny, I actually went to Hamilton a few nights ago and I've never been to the DT area, but was really impressed with that one cobblestone road bar area, and thought Pepper Jack was a wicked cool space. Someone mentioned to me that its closing down, if so, that's pretty sad. Have you guys ever played there?
We've talked a lot about the process putting together the record, your record label, etc. how about what the future holds for the band? I noticed that in addition to the dates in SW Ontario you have a NY date that is TBA. Is there a tour in the works or anything that people should know about?
Dinner time...
* * *
Yes we just played at the Pepper Jack a couple of weeks ago, and sadly yes it is closing. Hopefully though something else will come of it, but we'll have to see.
We're going down to NYC next week to tape something for one of La Blogotheque Take Away shows, so that should be fun. And in June we're going down again to do a show for NYCTAPER, and we'll probably also throw in a couple more in the city during that week. There's no full tour planned as of yet, but we're hoping to get over to the UK and tour all of North America before the year is over. Some work to be done first. Jordan and I will also will be working on our Allegories project (http://profile.myspace.com/allegories ). Recording,writing and posting a song a month from July 1st until (can't get italics to stop!) January 1st. Should be quite a busy, and exciting year!
Yes we just played at the Pepper Jack a couple of weeks ago, and sadly yes it is closing. Hopefully though something else will come of it, but we'll have to see.
We're going down to NYC next week to tape something for one of La Blogotheque Take Away shows, so that should be fun. And in June we're going down again to do a show for NYCTAPER, and we'll probably also throw in a couple more in the city during that week. There's no full tour planned as of yet, but we're hoping to get over to the UK and tour all of North America before the year is over. Some work to be done first. Jordan and I will also will be working on our Allegories project (http://profile.myspace.com/
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