Saturday, November 22, 2008

... and there's a new leader in the club house...

My expectations for Kanye's new one 808s and Heartbreaks, probably couldn't have been too much higher. After all, Graduation was, according to this website, my favourite album of last year. Then, there was all that talk about how Kanye was going to sing, use auto-tune, etc. and some people were pretty crabby about that. I, however, wasn't really that worried about it a month ago, and based repeated listens over the last week I'd say things have worked out somewhere between unbelievably and incredibly well and here's why...

I've never thought Kanye has been a particularly talented rapper, but he has always been an incredibly talented producer. So, after getting his heart smashed into a million-pieces by former fiance Alexis Rainey, I think all Kanye's creative producorial juices (that's what she said) went into the new album. It's different, somber, dark in places, catchy; and above all else it shows that the Louis Vitton Don has a heart, and is not just a man in the "five thousand dollar suit (C'Mon!)".

Basically, every track is an absolute jem. Its the Best of the Year, and I'm thinking it may actually jump immediately on to my Desert Island Albums list. Maybe I'm over-doing it... who's to say. Liz says (and I am quoting directly, about my love for Kanye) "You're in lust... wait to see if it grows into love..." and she's probably right, she usually is... its just so good right now.... please send your thoughts and prayers to Liz who will have to put up with my playing this album on repeat and singing Kanye around the apartment for the next...

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